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Announcing the new 12-week coaching program

Speak fluently WITHOUT controlling your speech

Afraid of Stuttering for the rest of your life?


  • ​You don't like or accept your Stuttering.

  • You believe that Stuttering is mainly a psychological problem.
  • You want more than just control your stuttering for the rest of your life.

  • You understand your Stuttering will not go away with just tips & tricks

You came to the right place


  • Know the root causes of Stuttering are psychological.

  • Know Stuttering can be overcome without controlling our speech. 

  • Can help you speak fluently, automatically and naturally.

Photo of Pierre in Oahu Hawaii

I solved my own Stuttering 25+ years ago

My know-how and tools are available for you to do the same

Pierre Roberge

Enter your email to get access to my FREE course
"What Stuttering REALLY is".  

You will be surprised...


This site is for you ONLY IF
  • ​You don't want to accept your Stuttering.
  • You believe that Stuttering is a psychological problem.
  • You want more than just control your stuttering for the rest of your life.


Ready to overcome Stuttering?

Are you tired of Stuttering holding you back from:
  • Speaking whenever you want to?

  • Initiating conversations with people you know OR don't know well?

  • Arguing a point with someone?

  • Talking with a girl you like?

  • Applying for a job you find interesting?

  • Making new friends?

  • Starting a business?

  • Giving your opinion in a meeting?

  • Negotiating a better salary?

  • ...

If you’ve lived through any of these situations, I know exactly how you feel because I lived through all of them myself.

I am here to tell you that you have the power to overcome stuttering and lead a more fulfilling life.

Stay up-to-date

Man speaking fluently in front of colleagues at work
Portrait Man

Never accept your Adult Stutter

Stuttering can be overcome

If you can speak fluently in certain situations:

  • while singing

  • When you are angry

  • when you change your voice

  • or in any other situations

It means that you have what it takes to speak fluently


You're just not fully utilizing your physical and mental capacities.

The sole barrier to you speaking fluently all the time is your mental state.

That. Is. It.

I can guide you in altering your mental state to overcome your Stuttering.

Man speaking fluently in front of colleagues at work
Man speaking fluently in front of colleagues at work
Checkmate being performed in chess

How do I know that?

Because I did it,

I overcame my Stuttering

Who am I?

My name is Pierre Roberge and I live in Quebec, Canada. I am in my fifties and I lived with stuttering until the age of 24. 

Stuttering is awful

Stuttering was my hidden battle. My friends and family heard it, but they didn't see the struggle behind it.

To them, it was just a word or two; to me, it was an emotional challenge every time. I know I'm not alone in this. 

Stuttering is frustrating

My stuttering could be light or even nonexistent at times, and very severe on other occasions. This variability frustrated me a lot. I found it extremely difficult not knowing what to expect. I could talk normally one minute and then all of a sudden, I’d be stuttering for the next fifteen minutes.

Fortunately, I overcame my Stuttering

At 24, I overcome my Stuttering and have been stutter free for 25+ years. Since then I had so many jobs I never thought I could have like : Salesman, Teacher, Consultant, YouTuber both in French and English.

You can do the same...

Photo of Pierre in Oahu Hawaii
Man looking a his future in a hopeful manner

Overcoming Stuttering is Possible

Living Stutter Free

My life has improved dramatically since then. I now hold a job where I frequently communicate with many people: giving presentations, conducting meetings, persuading and managing individuals. My confidence has skyrocketed.

For example. I never imagined that in the early 2000s, I'd be working in California as a consultant, delivering presentations in English—my second language—to executives of major companies.

Man speaking fluently in front of colleagues at work
One man reaching out to help another

Because I have overcome my Stuttering

I can help you do the same


How would your life change if you did not Stutter?

Really, think about it...

Learn to overcome Stuttering

How To Overcome Stuttering Book

This book is a deeply personal and comprehensive account of my journey with stuttering, with practical advice for others facing similar challenges.

39$ us

Level 2

Sincerely, you need this book.  You will understand how I overcame my Stuttering including all the exercises and therapies I used to do so.

You will be able to apply the same tools on your Stuttering.

Hypnosis Recording

Retrain your mind to tap into your innate but hidden speaking abilities.  This hypnosis session will help you visualize yourself speaking fluently, decreasing your speech anxiety and blockages.

199$ us
Listen now

Level 3

To help you further in your journey, hypnosis will help you change your false beliefs about yourself and Stuttering

How to overcome Stuttering Online Course

This course will teach you exactly HOW to retrain your brain and thus overcome your Stuttering. This course videos can be watched at your own page.


Level 4

An online course goes further than a book.  In this course I will be able to demonstrate how to practice the exercises contained in my book.

And also transfer my knowledge and experience more convincingly than words in a book.  

12-week VIP Coaching Program

Get personally coached by Pierre, who has been living Stutter for the past 25 years, as part of the 12-week Fluency Mastery Coaching Program, on your road to overcoming your Stuttering.

Starts at 1995$ us

Level 5

This Coaching Program is the ultimate and simplest way for you to overcome your Stuttering.  On top of addressing Stuttering itself this coaching program, through the use of NLP and other psychological techniques, your whole self will be addressed.

Happy young man leading a meeting, speaking fluently

Fluency Mastery Coaching Program

Fluency Mastery Coaching Program

If you want to quickly improve the fluency of your speech WITHOUT controlling your speech, Purchase the Fluency Mastery Coaching Program.

My Fluency Mastery Coaching program is a transformative journey designed to empower you with the tools and confidence you need to achieve Automatic, Fluent and Confident speech.


This Program is unique in that it has been developed by someone (myself) who used to Stutter and HAS BEEN LIVING STUTTER FREE FOR 25 YEARS.

Through a structured 12-week curriculum, you will embark on a path of self-discovery and growth, guided by personalized one-on-one coaching sessions, self-reflection activities, and targeted speech practice exercises.

During the Program you will feel:

  • Understood

  • Guided

  • Supported & Connected

  • Empowered

  • Challenged (in a good way)


At the end of the Program, you will feel:

  • Confident in your NEW speaking abilities

  • Proud of your transformation

  • Empowered in your new understanding of how your mind works

  • Determined to take on the rest of your life

Photo of Pierre in Oahu Hawaii

As part of this Coaching Program you will get:

  • One-on-one Coaching

    • 2-hour kickoff

  • Private chat channel with Pierre

    • for questions and emotional support through your transformation in-between weekly follow-up

  • Mechanism of Stuttering: all the steps Stuttering needs to survive and solutions to prevent it from surviving

  • Web/mobile application with notifications telling you when AND HOW to practice exercises so you won’t have to guess what you need to do next.

  • Weekly Psychological exercises and reflections to help you increase your self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Daily Fluency exercises and reflections designed to retrain your mind to speak fluently

  • Hypnotherapy recording to also help you reprogram your mind

  • Tips and tricks, not like CRUTCHES that will hinder your longer term progress

Choose the right program for you

The sole distinction among the Coaching Programs lies in the quantity of individual follow-up sessions they offer.

Fluency Coaching Program (3 follow-ups)



Every month

Includes 1, 2-hour initial coaching session + 3, 1-hour follow-up.

Valid for 3 months

Learn the mechanics of Stuttering

Daily and weekly exercises sent through an app

Private chat channel with Pierre for answers and for support